WORLD OF TECHNOLOGIE : Learn more and more about inventions

Tuesday 11 March 2014

How do you release your limiting beliefs to express yourself!

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How do you release your limiting beliefs to express yourself! 

Your current beliefs, whether positive or negative, true or false, are formed without effort and without the intervention of the will. Your habits, good or bad, as well. You must use the same method to create new beliefs or habits. 

It has been widely demonstrated that want to try using the effort or willingness to change beliefs, the opposite effect. 

Emile COUE, small French pharmacist who astonished the world in 1920 through the "power of suggestion" stated: "Your suggestions (ideal goals) must be made without effort if you want to be effective," and the Act of opposite effect stated: 

- "When Will and Imagination conflict, Imagination wins consistently." 

How to use the power of rational thought! 

Our automatic mechanism, or what Freudians call "Unconscious" is absolutely impersonal. It works like a machine and has no will of his own. 

The unconscious mind always tries to act according to our beliefs and interpretation that was the environment. He always tries to give us the appropriate feelings and accomplish the goals that consciously, it is fixed. 

The subconscious mind always works from the data provided to it in the form of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, interpretations, opinions. 

It is the conscious mind which is the "knob" of your unconscious mechanism. It was by conscious thought, although perhaps irrational and unrealistic, that the unconscious has developed its camera models and inappropriate negative reactions, it is by conscious and rational thought that you can get to change these patterns of reactions Computer. 

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