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Saturday 14 November 2015

The 5 best inventions for 2015

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The 5 best inventions for 2015

After the big success of our article on the 10 best inventions for 2014, you are probably wondering what 2015 offers? I propose a round-up with this Top 10 best inventions for 2015! They let you dream ...

Les 10 meilleures inventions pour 2015
1 - Wearable Thermo-Element

Wearable Thermo-Element

If I told you that you could soon charge your smartphone thanks to the warmth of your body ... Wearable Thermo-Element is a project of the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST. This small band strongly resembling a tape is integrable clothing and uses the energy produced by the heat from your body and turn it into electricity. This electricity will then be used to charge your phone. Knowing that a small band of 10 cm produces 40mW, for now, Wearable Thermo-Element will not charge 30% as the battery of your smartphone, but the South Korean Institute has partnered with Tegway, a start -up to develop his project. According to Professor Jin Cho Buying it will be finalized in the first half 2015. Wearable Thermo-Element won the Grand Prix of the 2015 Netexplo Observatory.

  2 - The connected fabric
How about a shirt that monitors your body? The wearables activity trackers have proven now it's time for the tissues so connected Connected clothes. For now, these fabrics will destine, sportsmen. They teem with water-resistant sensors (and yes, to sweat!) That can monitor your heart rate, muscles you work, the number of calories burned, or your level of dehydration and so on. As the connected bracelets, they connect to your smartphone and synchronize their dedicated application. Cityzen Science and Hexoskins are the pioneers, the technology just beginning to develop. When will t-shirts that will wash themselves?
3- Domestic robots

Yes, it's a long time that we speak of the relationship between robots and humans. I announce to you 2015 is the year of robots. They finally arrive to help us in our daily tasks.In Japan, robots, to look more than realistic, taking the place of reception at a hotel.A little less realistic, but not less efficient the Asimo robot lands on the market with its French competitor Pepper which may also be confidant since he knows analyze human emotions. Will we ever equal the Chobits world where robots and humans is also mixed as in AI Artificial Intelligence movie with Jude Law?
4 - The augmented reality in ski mask

RideOn1Augmented reality is one of the key points of innovation. You know the SSX games? Well here it is the same thing, but true! RideOn a ski mask is connected to augmented reality. Skiing will never be more fun. Thanks to augmented reality integrated you can trace a slalom or making a dummy then chase against your favorite skier or friends. If you are still a big kid, headset, you can even throw the imaginary snowballs. Everything is connected in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, it offers you the opportunity to film everything and share everything with your friends.

5 - Thync, the helmet that changes your mood

ThyncWe remain in headphones, but it changes register and also mood. Thync is a helmet that can control your moods and make them change. It is connected to your smartphone where you can vary the intensity of waves that reach your brain. Pal evil is not it? One day will do you may be able to change the mood of his neighbor to make it more enjoyable or grandma opposite to make it less bitter. For now Thync is for people who have suffered a head injury with loss of memory. The company described his helmet as "a way for us to go beyond our natural limits". 2015, the year Einstein?

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